It is our goal to create a learning environment which facilitates the development of the highest level of skill among all employees. Our training program has been designed to enable all employees to be proficient in their job and to enable each employee to feel that they make a valuable contribution to the achievement of the Company’s goals of 100% Customer Satisfaction, Increased Market Share and Increased Profitability.
New employees will receive training followed by a structured development program relevant to their position. Ongoing training needs will be identified as part of the Performance Development System. Where possible, we aim to integrate learning with work and therefore a significant proportion of training occurs in the workplace. An ongoing program of training evaluation enables us to keep training up to date and relevant to the needs of the business. The company is ultimately responsible for the development and resourcing of employee training programs, but the day to day responsibility for training rests with managers. Employee development is an integral part of every manager’s job. Employees are also encouraged to show initiative in identifying their own training needs and in suggesting a development plan to be agreed with their manager.
We believe that training is the foundation of our success. It is an ongoing process that belongs to all Company employees